Leave us a Review
If you’d like to share your experience of the ILC, please click the button above to leave us a review on Google, or email us at ILCSemington@gmail.com to add a story to the “My Story” page. This is a quick and easy way to support us, as it lets others know how we can support them.
Make a Donation

As a charity with limited funding, any donations are very much appreciated. Please consider making a one off payment, or setting up a regular direct debit. Both can be done using the button above, or please contact us if you would prefer to send a cheque or make a bank transfer. These contributions go towards our running costs and allow us to continue offering a fantastic free service. Thank you for your support.
Hold a Fundraiser

Are you a keen baker, or an adrenaline seeker? Next time you’re taking part in a hobby or one-off event, please consider using the opportunity to raise money for us. Click on the button above and choose “start a fundraiser”. We can provide you with promotional leaflets, and hopefully even come to cheer you on!
Leave us a Legacy Gift
Every single gift left to the ILC is invaluable, no matter how big or small. By choosing to remember us in your will, your legacy will be used to help us support people for years to come.
“When my mum died unexpectedly at the age of 64, there was no doubt in my mind that she would have wanted her funeral donations to go to the ILC. She was a firm supporter of ours, and so proud of the work we achieved. She always said how reassuring it was to know exactly where to come for advice and support, especially when my grandparents started to struggle with their own independence. £557.04 was raised in Sharon Pond’s memory, and she would have been touched by the donations in her honour.” – Chantelle Mead, Acting Chief Executive Officer
To leave a gift to the ILC, please click here to download and complete a codicil form, which you can keep with your will. If you have any questions about writing a codicil, or updating your will, please seek advice from a solicitor. Thank you for your support.