Merry Christmas everyone!
We are closed from 24th December and will re-open following our Christmas break on 6th January.
We wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and look forward to seeing you all again in 2025.

Merry Christmas everyone!
We are closed from 24th December and will re-open following our Christmas break on 6th January.
We wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and look forward to seeing you all again in 2025.
Thanks to the support of Chippenham Borough Lands Charity, we now have wheelchair scales available at the ILC!
These can be used by anyone, and we can be fairly flexible on days/times, but we ask that the visits are arranged with us in advance so we can ensure the scales are not being used in our appointments at the time.
Anyone needing to use the scales will need to be able to operate them independently, or have someone with them who can, as we won’t always have staff available to help.
As a charity, we had to fundraise for the scales, so we do ask that a small donation is made where possible (a donation tin is with the scales) but this is not a requirement.
A huge thank you to the wonderfully talented Ellie Rose for donating these beautiful handmade cards to us today. Her lovely designs are available for you to take home in return for a donation here at the Independent Living Centre, with all proceeds going directly to support our work #HandmadeWithLove #CharityDonation
Click here for a PDF if the below image does not load.
Click here for a PDF if the below image does not load.
We’ve listened to feedback, and we have a new email address! Don’t worry, the old one will continue working, but from now on we’ll be giving out as it’s easier to remember, and quite a bit shorter to type! Please update your saved contacts with our new details.
Would you like to come and join Carer Support, Rethink, and Wiltshire Service Users Network in our lovely Victorian building? We have office space available now, and more coming soon. Find out more here:
Please click here for a PDF if the below image does not load.
Merry Christmas to all of our clients, colleagues, and supporters, including local organisations, mobility retailers, and reps, who are crucial to our service.
We are closed from 22nd December and will re-open following our Christmas break on 2nd January.
We wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and look forward to seeing you all again in 2024.
Our OT and OTA had a brilliant time at The OT Show last week, discovering lots of new products to add to the range of assessment equipment at the ILC. We really appreciate the companies who have offered to send us demo items, and some bits have started to arrive already, so keep an eye out for more details on our social media: