Empty Ring Pull Cans

Empty Ring Pull Cans

Ring pull can openers are very popular during kitchen assessments at the ILC, but to be able to demonstrate them effectively we get through a lot of empty tins! Are you able to help us out by opening your cans upside down, and donating them to us with the ring pull intact once empty? We’d love to hear from you if so!

Tuesday Treat

Tuesday Treat

There’s nothing quite like biscuits and positive feedback to cheer us up on a dull and dreary Tuesday! These were kindly brought in today from one of our visitors as a thank you for some advice they received from our Centre Manager last week. We all love what we do here at the ILC, and it’s always so appreciated to hear how our service has been able to help.

Old £1 Coins

Old £1 Coins

We were pleased to have these old £1 coins given to us this week by one of our followers. Although they went out of circulation in 2017, we can still accept them as a charity donation, so please do keep us in mind if you still have any around the house. We really appreciate the support, thank you.

Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas to all of our clients, colleagues, and supporters, including local organisations, mobility retailers, and reps, who are crucial to our service.

We will re-open following our Christmas break on 3rd January 2023, and an update about the availability of appointments in the new year will be provided then.

We wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and look forward to seeing you all again in 2023.

Second Hand Items

Second Hand Items

Our second hand list (found here: https://ilc.org.uk/useful-information/) is looking unusually sparse this month.

Please do get in touch if you have any mobility equipment for sale, or free to a good home, and we can advertise this for you. We aren’t able to accept the items at the centre unfortunately, but we can share your contact details with any of our clients who may be interested.

(For any items which you may not have purchased yourself, please double check for a “Medequip” sticker – pictured in the comments below – before selling or giving away any equipment, as this may need returning to them)

DesHCA Talk

DesHCA Talk

We were pleased to have Professor Alison Bowes from the University of Stirling join us for our AGM on 25th October 2022. Alison is the Principle Investigator in charge of the DesHCA project, aiming to explore the issues around supportive home design and adaptations from many different perspectives. You can find a copy of her slides here, and watch her presentation below.